Featured Book: Three Perfect Gifts

This month and with my January 2025 book tour in mind, my Featured Book is my latest women's fiction novel, Three Perfect Gifts.
Three very different women with three very different secrets meet at a Pilates class and form an unlikely friendship. Frankie is unexpectedly pregnant, and this issue is causing problems in her marriage that she doesn’t know how to solve. Miranda has terminal cancer and recently tried to kill herself. Golda is a survivor of an abusive marriage and is haunted by the memory of who she once was. Can the three women trust each other enough to share their secrets and, if they do, will they ever find peace?
My three women in the novel are very different indeed and their friendship is a very unusual one. Golda, the oldest of the three friends, is pliable and gentle but also trustworthy. She has an innate power to be able to rise above her past. She is also a VERY keen gardener, and her garden is a very important part of the book and the friendship.
Frankie is versatile and honest, and possesses great strength in her current adversity and the decisions she has to make. But she finds she still can’t do everything herself, and this is where her new friends soon become very important to her.
Finally, Miranda, the youngest, is spiky and passionate. She is also the one who is facing the most sorrow in her life as she tries to understand the power of living in the moment. She too learns to see the value of her friends, no matter how different they are.
I hope that you enjoy the blend of friendship the three women have, the story they share and how they each make a difference to each other’s lives. I hope that, as you read, you too can realise how much of a difference you can make to the lives of those you meet.
Find out more about these three very different women and their story here.